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The student news site of Stockbridge High School


  • 1/2 day 3/12
  • Spring Break 3/24-3/28
The student news site of Stockbridge High School


The student news site of Stockbridge High School


Anna Baird

Anna Baird, Editor-in-Chief

All content by Anna Baird
Less stress, more stretch

Less stress, more stretch

Yoga detangles both the mind and body
Anna Baird, Content Editor
July 15, 2017
Currently 57 students are taking an AP class at SHS in the 2016-2017 school year. Grapg made with information from the Annual AP Program Participation report.

Schools should offer more AP courses

Taking AP courses bring high school students opportunities and advantages
Anna Baird, Content Editor
May 19, 2017

Anna Baird, Content Editor
March 21, 2017
Self improvement can bring happiness

Self improvement can bring happiness

Self improvement is easier than it appears
Anna Baird
January 8, 2017
During the boys cross country race at the home meet on October 11, three Stockbridge runners were in the lead. Stockbridge runners swept the board with Alan Baird 12 in first, Jack Youngblood 12 in second, and Jake Chapman 12 in third. 

During the boys cross country race at the home meet on October 11, three Stockbridge runners were in the lead. Stockbridge runners swept the board with Alan Baird 12 in first, Jack Youngblood 12 in second, and Jake Chapman 12 in third.

Embracing the 2016 season

The cross country teams goals and accomplishments
Anna Baird, Content Editor
November 9, 2016
Honey, we have a bee problem

Honey, we have a bee problem

Anna Baird, Staff Reporter
June 9, 2016
Raining trees and power lines

Raining trees and power lines

Part of M-52 shut down to assess damage
Anna Baird, Managing Editor
June 6, 2016
A boy named David was my sidekick on Easter Monday. He told about how his mom recently passed away and asked me if I would stay and be his big sister. I told him I can't stay forever, but no matter where we are in the world he will always be my little brother. When we miss each other we will look into the sky and know the other person is somewhere out there.

My Jamaica mission diary

Anna Baird, Staff Reporter
May 24, 2016
At the Bernie Sanders rally, senior Hannah Kightlinger, waits to get clearance to get into the rally. “It was awesome seeing Bernie in real life,” Kightlinger said. “I agree with a lot of his views so it was interesting seeing him in person.”

Students becoming educated in politics

Beginning to form and express political opinions
Anna Baird, Staff Reporter
April 19, 2016
Athletes mentally preparing for upcoming spring sports

Athletes mentally preparing for upcoming spring sports

Student athletes behind the scenes
Anna Baird, Staff Reporter
March 10, 2016
Taking care of the classroom’s recycling, leadership students Amanda Page 12, Elijah Huebner 12 and Liam Corby 11 put the recyclables into bins to be shipped off to Granger on November 30th, 2015.

Don’t throw it away, use it in a new way

Saving resources is more important than ever
Ronin Hackworth and Anna Baird
December 18, 2015
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