Voting available for the young
Students host a mock election
Politics in the United States right now are in full force. Candidates are scrambling to get states on their sides to hopefully win the primaries. Stockbridge High School held a mock election where everyone in the school was able to vote for whom they wanted to be president. Oddly enough, the school results mirrored Michigan’s results which had Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders winning the primary.
“I think that kids in our school are getting to the age where they actually start paying attention to things going on with politics,” sophomore Ronin Hackworth said. “ All of the major polling had Hillary up by 20 to 30 points and here in our school she loses by a landslide in our school election. Then, we come to find out that in the state election, Bernie wins by only about 1 point. It is pretty awesome that our elections were mirrored.”