Vinyl Revival
In the 60s it was a common occurrence to spot record shops with rows of vinyl and record players; however, now that vinyl is making a comeback, teens can enjoy a lot of their favorite newer albums like Adele’s 25 from online carriers like Amazon. When the needle drops, listeners begin to feel the nostalgia of obsessing about all their bands old and new.
With a lot of newer artists like Halsey, Adele and Ed Sheeran selling albums on vinyl, it is not hard to see why younger people, or people who like the older music that was originally sold on vinyl, will want to buy a new record player.
“I have noticed a recurrence in records and record players in city culture,” junior Tessa Innes said. “Between my mother and I, we own probably sixty records.”
According to industry researchers MusicWatch, 26 percent of sales for vinyl are bought by 18-25 year olds, while 25 percent are from people between the ages of 26 and 35. More than half of these sales were made to males.
“Records are gaining appeal because when you have music on your laptop or other devices you don’t have a physical copy,” owner of “The Rolling Stones” top 25 record stores, Encore Records, Jim Dwyer said.
He also mentioned that if an old record is maintained, it can have a sound that is close to new.
Encore Records has been in the same shop at 417 E Liberty Street in Ann Arbor for 25 years
and sells all records from spoken to classical. The sales have increased due to those attractions, as well as first time buyers wanting to have a record player and records due to the aesthetic appeal.
“I think I see records a lot more in older generations because that was their thing when they were kids, and I think they still like to play it better than the new stuff that’s out now,” sophomore Katelyn Meitz said.
She also thinks that the quality of record players are better than that of newer technology “Because they were made in the older generation, I think they are built to last.”
Daniel Hartwig

I was encouraged to join journalism when some of my friends told me about how much fun it was, and I decided I would see if I liked it. As a senior, I...

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