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The student news site of Stockbridge High School


  • 1/2 day 3/12
  • Spring Break 3/24-3/28
The student news site of Stockbridge High School


The student news site of Stockbridge High School


Our future, our fight, our choice

Our future, our fight, our choice

Olyvia Hoard, Creative Editor
September 8, 2022
"I had political arguments in my family. I voted for Trump because I didn't like Biden, but I didn't like either one of them. I didn't like the fact that Biden approved abortion. But I didn't like Trump's mouth."

It’s been a year now

COVID and politics, division and anger
Samantha Stitt, Assistant Editor
May 28, 2021
Mainstream media

Mainstream media

Manipulative, and most of the time, one-sided
Peyton Killinger, Reporter
May 27, 2021


Aubrey Williamson, Columnist
May 27, 2021

COVID-19 vaccination will end the pandemic

Mass vaccination is the safest way out of the COVID-19 pandemic
May 1, 2021

Snarls of politicians

Cruel language in government influences youth and destroys civil behavior
Logan Connolly, Editor-in-Chief
April 12, 2019
At the Bernie Sanders rally, senior Hannah Kightlinger, waits to get clearance to get into the rally. “It was awesome seeing Bernie in real life,” Kightlinger said. “I agree with a lot of his views so it was interesting seeing him in person.”

Students becoming educated in politics

Beginning to form and express political opinions
Anna Baird, Staff Reporter
April 19, 2016

Voting available for the young

Students host a mock election
Madie Gee-Montgomery, Staff Reporter
April 15, 2016
Finding Political Identity

Finding Political Identity

Kaylee Barker, Managing Editor
April 12, 2016
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks after coming in second place at his Iowa caucus night gathering in Des Moines, Iowa, on Monday, Feb. 1, 2016. (Dennis Van Tine/Abaca Press/TNS)

Who should be our next POTUS?

Arianna Gomez, Staff Reporter
February 29, 2016
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