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The student news site of Stockbridge High School


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The student news site of Stockbridge High School


The student news site of Stockbridge High School


The girls Varsity Basketball team filtered on to the bus to travel 36 minutes away to compete with Leslie. The score of the girls game would end up being 41-23 and the boys lost 57-67.

Rural students travel the extra mile for sports

Turns out long bus drives aren’t all that bad.
Emily Breslin, Staff Reporter
February 19, 2020
Pursuing their passion

Pursuing their passion

Logan Connolly, Staff Reporter
May 8, 2017
Over a month after playing Royal Oak during week two of football, Kolby Canfield charges past an opponent, ball in hand, during a game against Olivet on October 7. Canfield played despite pain in his ankle

Pushing past limits

Student athletes face obstacales such as injuries during their quest for success
Sarah Barney, Senior Reporter
February 8, 2017
I’m busy today, and tomorrow and the next day

I’m busy today, and tomorrow and the next day

Playing multiple sports in high school
Justice Clark, Staff Reporter
November 18, 2016
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