The student news site of Stockbridge High School
My body, my choice

My body, my choice

June 4, 2015

Every woman should be entitled to the choices that she makes involving her own body. If she doesn’t want to do something, then she doesn’t have to. A common phrase we hear today is, “You do you,” meaning do whatever you want. However, this phrase seems to be forgotten when abortion is brought into the equation.

A common argument is that it is unlawful to permit one human the right to intentionally harm or or take the life of another human. Yes, the woman is carrying another human being, but what about the life that already exists? The human being that’s already alive is being deprived of the right to their life.

According to The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, eight out of 10 teen fathers do not marry the mother of the baby and eventually become absent in the child’s life paying only $800 annually in child support. Children living away from their father are five times more likely to be poverty-stricken than those with both parents living at home.

Whose place is it to force an opinion on a woman and tell her what she must do with her own body? No one’s place. Are they going to be the one taking care of the baby for the next 18 years of its life or rushing in to adopt it?

This is a human being we are talking about. What happens when the baby is brought into this often cruel and scary world with no loving parent to take care of it and keep them safe like any willing parent would do for their child?

Society cannot force someone to be a good parent. It cannot force someone to love a child. It certainly cannot force a parent to want to take care of a child.

Even when the mother decides to keep the child, but chooses to put it up for adoption, it doesn’t mean the baby is safe. The foster care system can also be just as cruel and scary as the real world. According to “Psychology Today” and, over 28% of children in “the system” are abused.

If a woman thinks that she isn’t able to take care of her child, then it should be her choice. It’s all about choice. It is always the woman’s choice. Not your choice. Not my choice.  Not the state’s choice. Not the government’s. Her choice.

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