March 17, 2015
The definition of history is the study of past events, particularly in human affairs, according to Google. As far as I know, women are humans too. The word itself says “his” story. Past events in history do not just consist of men.
All words describing women have some form of he, his, male or men in them. There’s sHE, feMALE, HIStory, woMEN/MAN. This is not right. Every single word used to describe gender contains a male counterpart. I don’t understand why a woman can’t be her own person without a man, or why people assume that we can’t do something without the help of a man.
Ladies, we have been running the school like a queen runs the kingdom. We run homecoming, plan prom, govern our grades in the class officer positions and we dominate every other leadership position in the school, and we do this without much male assistance.
Haven’t you noticed the roles that women play in Stockbridge High School? Grades 9-12 class presidents are all ran by girls. Not only that, but just about every other leadership position is filled with girls. Class officers, National Honor Society, student council members, the list goes on and on. According to studies done at Yale University, more than 70% of high school valedictorians in 2012 were girls. The United States legislature may be dominated by men, but you just wait, the girls who rule the school in this generation are smart enough to change that.
So don’t sit back, and don’t relax ladies. Sit up, then stand up and keep fighting your way to the top. You rule the school now, but don’t stop there.