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The student news site of Stockbridge High School


  • 1/2 day 3/12
  • Spring Break 3/24-3/28
The student news site of Stockbridge High School


The student news site of Stockbridge High School


Justice Clark

Justice Clark, Staff Reporter

As a sophomore, I don’t know everything about journalism, but I hope to improve my skills. I wanted to join Uncaged because I thought it would be interesting to interview people, take their pictures and make something that I am proud of. Outside of school, I spend time with friends and family. I am on the sideline and competitive cheer teams. When I am not at practice I go home and work on skills and practice on my own. I also do workouts, whether it is running down the road or doing other workouts in my living room. After high school I plan on going into the nursing field; however, I am not quite sure which college I am going to attend. While I am on staff, I am going to develop my journalistic skills and maybe become less shy, because by talking to so many people that I don’t know seems to be helping. My first impression of Uncaged was that it is pretty extreme and a lot of hard work, but it is getting better as I go.

All content by Justice Clark
Losing calories and gaining skills

Losing calories and gaining skills

How basketball plays well with health
Justice Clark, Staff Reporter
February 13, 2017
I’m busy today, and tomorrow and the next day

I’m busy today, and tomorrow and the next day

Playing multiple sports in high school
Justice Clark, Staff Reporter
November 18, 2016
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