Homecoming 2021


On a brisk fall night school administration finally allows the students to dance and cheer their nights away. 

On Monday October 11th at the highschool, the students are coming together, as they get to join in on the experiences that they either lost out on or are just now able to start out with since they did not have the opportunity last year because of the pandemic. 

The pep assembly, there was the spirit jug and tug of war along with a lot more games, the homecoming football game the team versus St. Charles Community High school and won 28-14. 

“We do the Stockbridge homecoming run and it’s an experience you get to miss school all day to literally run for hours on end” senior Kalysta Connolly said. 

There are a lot of things, like being able to be in person for the dances along with having spirit week, people have adored just being able to now encounter in their highschool years that many people overlook or disregard thinking they will have another chance at these types of things.

For seniors this was their last chance to be able to have this experience and for freshman, sophomores, and juniors this is just the beginning of high school so they still have time to participate in new things they might not have had time to do in the past.