Seventh grader changes the world, one wig at a time


Abigail Douglas

Beating his drum, William Marshall, grade seven, practices for a band concert. “He’s a creative and intelligent kid” Substitute teacher Diane Wilson said.

Cancer is the “leading cause of death in kids from the age 0-19,” according to the National Cancer Institute. An astonishing statistic, but it does not reflect the children who are ill; those kids go through difficult treatment, often ending up losing their hair.

That is where seventh grader William Marshall comes in.“The main reason why I donated my hair was because My mom wouldn’t cut my hair” he said.

This was my third time donating!

— William Marshall

William then began his donating journey in kindergarten.

“I also kinda wanted to donate because I didn’t know what it was like.” Locks of Love, which William gave his hair to, receives 104,000 hair donations a year according to Trichology Journal for hair research.

Sophomore Kara Warren thinks the experience of donating hair can be eye opening and rewarding. “I saw something on YouTube when I was younger,” Warren said. “One of the comments was really touching and ever since then it’s been a passion of mine.”

William’s act of donating hair made him feel great, even  he was losing his. “Donating my hair just made me feel better. I’ve helped someone, you know?” he said.

By doing so he has changed a child’s world given confidence and helped shape a new heart according to the staff at  Locks of Love.

Anyone can team up with Locks of Love and help arrange for  personal donation to a family or friend under the age of 21. “I know a lot of people get cancer and lost their hair and they are upset about it. So, I’m like, hey, why not?” William said.

Most boys would rather get a normal fade or a girl, a short shoulder. “I mainly wouldn’t get a buzz because I would look unrecognizable, like an alien!” William said, laughing.