Keep our school as nice as it should be
January 19, 2018
Imagine having to pay for 11,516 iPhone 8 devices. That is how much it cost to pay for our updated high school building: $9.5 million. Our parents and our community members will be paying for these updates through taxes for years.
It cost all this money, and took months to build, so we should be thankful instead of destroying what the school staff worked so hard to give us.
Many people worked very hard to get us, the students, updated technology and science classrooms, along with a built-on gym and weight room. As the first students to experience the upgraded school, we should be the ones who want to take care of it the most.
There has already been gum stuck under the new tables in English teacher Ms. Cyr’s room and graffiti has already been found around the school. It is only the first semester of the first year students have been in this recently developed junior and senior high school. The school staff put in lots of effort to make our learning environment a better place, and students are already being reckless and not taking care of it.
You want the best, just like that slick iPhone 8. You would not stick your gum on it or vandalize it. Your community just gave you the best. So, as the students who get to experience the new building first we should set the example and show how important it is to take care of it before it is not quality anymore.