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Is Trump a good president for millennials?

May 26, 2017


Did somebody order a prescription? Because Donald J. Trump is the cure that millennials have been clamoring for. Whether it be in the form of education, employment, or foreign affairs, President Trump is beginning to truly make America great again.

Some millennials will complain about Trump’s Secretary of Education selection, Betsy Devos when in reality she is pro-education at the state and local levels. Devos believes that the majority of education decisions should be decided by the state and the local school district. Millennials are also notorious for complaining about our education system and how it is failing the United States. Devos is a firm supporter of education reform such as eliminating the Common Core. A recent Gallup poll suggest that 54 percent of respondents are against the Common Core. Getting away out from under Common Core will be a plus for the children of millennials.

You get a job, you get a job, everybody gets a job! The economy and job market should have millennials salivating on their applications. Nothing is greater than graduating from college and being able to get a job. The Bureau of Labor Statistics lists that the unemployment rate is 4.5 percent (the lowest since May of 2007), meaning that more people are working now than at anytime in the past decade. The BLS also states that since Trump has taken office, 533,000 jobs have been created. This is a far cry from 2010 when millennials were growing up with unemployment hovering around 10 percent.

Feeling safe, protected and secure are all reasons that millennials came out in droves and elected Trump as our 45th. After coming through on promises of extreme vetting from countries of concern, Donald Trump’s approval rating is nearing 50 percent according to a Rasmussen Poll. Insuring America’s safety from foreign threats, especially terrorist groups with roots in Middle Eastern countries, was a major campaign mark for our president. By placing an extreme vetting process on people’s attempting to enter the U.S., Trump is doing his best to attend to America’s best interests and safety.

Some millennials will protest; others will support. The bottom line is that all three of these topics have been in the greater interest of millennials and the country. Donald Trump is living up to his billing and the next 1,300+ days should have great things in store for millennials and the rest of the country alike. For a 20 something year old, what could be better than a stable job, great education for your children, and a feeling of protection?

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Wake up, sleepyheads. It really happened. It’s hard to believe that citizens genuinely believe President Trump is as good as he claims to be. With all his executive orders affecting the country in hazardous ways and dropping funds of important foundations, he is a nightmare come true. To quote Trump, his presidency is a “huge” mistake.

Speaking of big mistakes, the newest member of the administration who could do the most harm to millennials’ upspring would be the inexperienced billionaire Betsy Devos who Trump helped appoint as the Secretary of Education. According to the Washington Post, she thinks that non-traditional public school is better than a traditional one, simply because it is not operated by government. She will propel America’s public education system toward destruction and replace it with charter schools.

Increasing charter schools means that more money is gathered from the taxpayers and put into the school instead of using federal funds. It would damage the middle- to lower-class families, not to mention teachers, financially. The cherry on the top is that if she succeeds in mission benefiting charter schools, it could eventually lead to money being cut from public schools in Michigan, schools like the ones in our district as well. Doesn’t that sound swell?

Regardless of how and where millennials are educated, they will still enter the workforce. Picture this: Young millennials graduate from high school, the stereotypical move for one would be to immediately try to find a job, right? However, with today’s so-called “great, really great economy,” it is not very beneficial for them. According to the Pew Research Center, among American adults of all ages, 82 percent say it is harder for today’s youth to find a job than it was for their parents’ generation. Not only is getting a job harder for some, but so is that elusive mortgage. From the same source, 69 percent say it is harder for today’s young adults to buy a home as well. The list of statistics of struggles young people face is seems endless. The goals a young person tries to reach for will be disintegrated.

As for how Trump’s travel ban will affect young millennials, there is a sense of fear in the air instilled by our own country’s leader. According to USA Today College, “The ban affects thousands of students who currently hold visas to study in the U.S., preventing them from traveling freely from their home countries to the United States.” So much for learning opportunities and experiencing different cultures, I guess.

Only four more years until this nightmare is over. #Sad.

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