Raining trees and power lines
Part of M-52 shut down to assess damage

On September 7, water was not the only thing falling from the sky. Trees and power lines littered the roads of Stockbridge after the storm, which caused three power lines to be replaced and many homes to lose power, including freshman Alexis Killinger’s house.
“We weren’t allowed to leave my house because there was a hot power line draped in front of my house,” Killinger said. “I hate storms as it is, and I was on the road when it happened. It really scared me because we couldn’t see anything. It was not safe to be out there.”
Superintendent Karl Heidrich, police-chief Johnny Torres and Director of Stockbridge Area Emergency Services Authority (SAESA) John Beck
assessed the weather during the storm and decided it was not safe for the Smith Elementary buses to leave to take children home.
“We continued to send communication to encourage parents to pick their children up at Smith Elementary,” Heidrich said. “The Smith staff and bus drivers worked great as a team to ensure children were safe at school.”
There were many trees that fell on M-52, Green Road and Shepard Road. Trees that blocked traffic were cut up the following day.