“Heartstopper” follows two teens Charlie and Nick who attend an all-boys grammar school. The two make an unlikely friendship after they are forced to sit next to one another in Chemistry. Shortly after, Charlie joins the rugby team that Nick plays on and the duo become closer than ever. As they continue to spend time together, sparks fly and the school begins to question why the two seem to be inseparable. Nick and Charlie now must grapple with their feelings for one another while simultaneously fighting the hate and criticism of their fellow peers.
Illustrated and written as a comic, Heartstopper takes you on a heartwarming, loveable ride that will leave you wanting to read more. The comic is an easy read with a layer of deeper meaning behind the illustrations. Heartstopper encompasses the story of love and challenging oneself to face the hardships of life such as being a part of the LGBTQ community without shame or fear. The wholesome tenderness handled within the pages by the author Alice Oseman makes it a purely joyful read that is easy to devour in just one sitting.