The House of the Devil,” also known as “Le Manoir du Diable,” was a French short film made in 1896 and is considered the first ever horror film. It’s only a short 3 minutes but is long enough to be considered a film.
“The Terror,” a movie made in 1928, was the first horror movie and second movie ever to be an all-talking film by Warner Bros with full dialogue from characters. It was based on a play in 1927 with the same name in which the play was directed by Edgar Wallace.
“Doctor X” was the first ever horror movie to have color involved throughout the whole film, which was made in 1932.
The movie scene continued implementing these themes of colors and audio to gather a bigger audience and spread the genre out to a bigger audience.
The sixties was one of the biggest decades for horror when “Psycho” was made in 1960 and revolutionized the horror movie industry. 8 years after “Psycho” was released, “Night Of the Living Dead” was the first ever horror movie using the term “zombie.”
“Night Of the Living Dead” and “Psycho” influenced franchises such as “Friday the 13th,” “Texas Chainsaw Massacre,” “Child’s Play” and “A Nightmare on Elm Street.” These influences changed the history of horror, as well as the amount of violent images and gore shown to large audiences.
During the 21st century, movie franchises like “Saw” and “Scream” started installments in the early 2000s for new movies or TV shows. Other franchises starting in the 70s like “Friday the 13th” and “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” oftentimes got reboots of the movies.