When eighth grade students enter the classroom of English teacher Hannah Gutsue, they are greeted with an atmosphere that is comfortable and functional for all. The cozy environment combined with Gutsue’s enthusiasm makes for a classroom that allows students to feel relaxed yet refreshed and energized; ready to learn.
Originally from Grosse Pointe Woods, Gutsue has traveled far and wide while following her dreams. She first migrated to East Lansing to attend Michigan State University to get a Bachelor of Arts degree in Secondary Education for English. Gutsue graduated in May of 2021 before deciding to continue at MSU with their Teacher Preparation Program. She student-taught an eighth grade English class in Kentwood for the 2021-2022 school year and shortly after completing the program in April of 2022, Gutsue picked up a couple different positions while learning to navigate the world of teaching.
Starting up the 2022-2023 school year, Gutsue took on a long-term substitute position teaching English 9 in Kentwood. Following the first semester, Gutsue relocated to Birmingham, where she assumed another substitute position teaching English 11 and Leadership. After uprooting her life for the sake of her career, Gutsue decided it was time to return to the Lansing area to be close to her friends and family once more. Thus, the young educator found her way to Stockbridge.
“I’m most looking forward to the people of Stockbridge,” Gutsue said. “I feel like I’ve heard so many wonderful things about this community. All of the teachers I’ve met, all of the students I’ve met, I feel like they’re good people. Everyone’s been so welcoming and nice and I’m excited to continue getting to know the community and to be a part of it.”
Teaching isn’t a career that’s meant for everyone. It takes patience, hard-work, and dedication, as many teacher prospects have said. However for Gutsue, this has never been a deterrent, as she’s known from an early age that being an educator is her calling.
“I’ve wanted to go into teaching since I was in first grade,” Gutsue said. “I had an awesome first grade teacher, Mrs. Lipps and I wanted to be her. I was like, this is it. This is what I want to be. And I also had a lot of really influential teachers over the years, and then some that weren’t. So I feel like the combination of the two really showed me what I wanted to do and who I wanted to be.”
And just like when she was little, Gutsue is making those dreams a reality today as she works to connect with her students and be a role model for them.
“I love middle school,” Gutsue said. “I had a really hard time in my middle school years. I had a lot of situations happen where I didn’t know how to deal with them. And there were teachers who just weren’t there for you, they didn’t understand. And it was like I’m not gonna tell you my whole life story but I need you to know that I have a life; that I’m a whole person. I really believe in the full student, and I want to bring that here; to be that person for my students. There’s so much more to you outside of school. Everybody has their own lives, their own personalities, and I want to meet you where you are and support you however I can. That’s why I’m here: to help you. I’m not here to make this year hard for you.”
It just so happens that Gutsue’s philosophy is already making an impact on her students, even in the short time she’s been at Stockbridge.
“Ms. Gutsue is super energetic and she matches everyone’s vibe and she’s funny, so it makes English class fun,” eighth grade student Leighton Bremiller said. “She’s very positive and uplifting. I don’t really like English, but she makes it fun for me.”
Gutsue is ecstatic to be at Stockbridge, as she is eager to learn and grow alongside her students. She is optimistic about the upcoming year and cannot wait to see what the future holds. And with that, Gutsue leaves her students with one last word of advice.
“Communicate with your teachers,” Gutsue said. “You don’t even have to tell them everything, but key your teachers in a little bit, or key someone in. You should be communicating with someone that isn’t just your peers, at some point. Because I know it doesn’t seem like it, but teachers do care and administration does care; they care about you as a whole person, so find that trusted adult and be honest with them, or as open as you want to be. But don’t go through anything alone. I know it might feel like you’re the only person going through it, but you’re not. You’re not alone, and we’re here to help.”